Moving Places

Moving Places is a three part series that looks at the natural history of movement in Cleveland. Streets occupy the greatest proportion of real estate in Cleveland. How we organize our streets and the transportation choices that we make impact life in the city. The Moving Places film series offers an immersive experience in the past and present of transportation in Cleveland. The below visual montage captures the three dominant forms of motorized transport explored in the film- whether the electric currents flowing through trolley cars, the blaze of the internal combustion engine, or the people-powered elegance of cycling.

Excerpts from the three Moving Places films, Streetcar City, Freeway City, and Bike City will be playing on a continuous loop from 10am-11pm on Saturday, June 22, 2019 at the Veteran's Memorial Bridge in downtown Cleveland.



Streetcar City is the first in the Moving Places series, directed by Brad Masi with Blue Heron Productions. Immerse yourself in the Streetcar City and find a Cleveland wildly different than what you know today. For more information go to: https://spark.adobe.com/page/aozjFaABcPdba/

Streetcar City

Episode 1 - Moving Places

Streetcar City explores the powerful imprint that electric streetcars had on the Cleveland that we know today. Travel back to the social upheavals of the 1899 Streetcar strikes, see the rise of Mayor Tom L. Johnson and his fight for an affordable public streetcar system, see what happened to the interurban regional rail system, and travel with comics writer Harvey Pekar as he explores the travails of life in his streetcar suburb of Cleveland Heights. Click here to learn more.

In the 1960's, a freeway proposal threatens the historic Shaker Lakes and African-American neighborhoods on Cleveland's east-side. Fifty years later, communities build on this legacy as they seek to re-claim streets as public spaces, not just thoroughfares for automobiles.

Freeway City

Episode 2 - Moving Places

Freeway City explores how the development of freeways in post World War II Cleveland fundamentally altered life in the city. The film centers around the 1960’s Freeway Fights, detailing a grassroots fight to save the Shaker Lakes on Cleveland’s east-side and the struggles confronted by Mayor Strokes during the fall-out of mass migration to the growing motor car suburbs around the city. The film looks at the impact of private automobiles on city life and local efforts to reduce their dominance in city streets. Click here to learn more


Bike City

Episode 3 - Moving Places

Still in production, Bike City looks at the growth of urban cycling in Cleveland, exploring the different motivations for people to ditch their cars in favor of pedal-powered transit. For some, cycling provides an impactful way to address the climate crisis. For others, it is an affordable and healthy way to get to work. For many, it offers new opportunities to socialize and explore the city. We connect today’s cycling renaissance to the historical use of bicycles that date back to the origins of Cleveland. Click here to learn more.


Cleveland Food Stories

Cleveland Foods Stories is a three-part series that explores fundamental questions around why so many Cleveland residents lack reliable access to healthy foods and, more importantly, what is being done about it.

Cleveland Food Stories Films

In episode one of Cleveland Food Stories, we look at hunger challenges facing many residents of Cleveland and Northeast Ohio. We ask why so many don't know where their next meal might come from. And, we look at what is being done about it. In the end, you will be inspired by how many dedicated Clevelanders are helping their own communities and confronting the underlying roots of food insecurity.


Episode 1 - Cleveland Food Stories

Episode One looks at the challenge of hunger and food insecurity and Cleveland, where an alarming number of residents lack access to the basic foods needed for a healthy diet. The episode looks at why so many people face hunger, and, more importantly, what is being done about it. Come away inspired by the multitude of ways that Clevelanders are banning together to provide food while also addressing some of the underlying causes of food insecurity, such as health problems or a lack of living wage jobs. Click here to learn more.


Episode 2 - Cleveland Food Stories

Episode 2 investigates the alarming gap in life expectancy between Cleveland and its outer-ring suburbs. Why is it that residents of Lyndhurst can be expected to live 10 years or more than residents of Glenville? Meet some of the inspiring people who are rising to meet this challenge, including urban farmers, youth-led initiatives, farmers’ markets in low-income neighborhoods, and people who have overcome their own health issues and are now teaching others. Be inspired to find your own place in growing a healthier city. Click here to learn more.


Episode 3 - Cleveland Food Stories

Episode 3 looks at how the rising demand for healthy, locally grown food is helping to spur new businesses and social enterprises. This episode looks at a worker-owned greenhouse, a community organizing effort to replace a closed-down grocer, a neighborhood-based food share program, a composting enterprise, and efforts to create new avenues for Northeast Ohio farmers to access markets in the city, such as restaurants, grocers, and schools. Click here to learn more.


Cleveland Growing Strong

Cleveland Growing Strong provides an orientation to the dynamic and diverse urban farming movement in Cleveland. From backyard lots to urban wineries, urban agriculture improves life for so many residents in Cleveland. Every urban farm is its own microcosm. Some grow a bounty of food that is given away to hungry neighbors while others have developed entrepreneurial farms that serve local markets. Urban farms provide a space for recent refugees to find their footing in a new city or for school children to learn about how to grow their own nutrition. In a city that has experienced significant dis-investment and abandonment, urban farms provide an oasis for people to re-connect their communities, bring nature back into the city, and tend to the health of their neighborhoods. Click here to learn more.